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Thursday, November 20, 2008


My first niece! She is officially a one year old and has a great personality. She will let you know when she does and doesn't like something. She loves to walk around and she loves when you play with her.

She loves her parents and blows kisses at her family when you say goodbye. She is too cute and it is going to be great when she has cousins to play with.


A is also a triathlete and a wonderful person. She is always sweet to those around her. She worked in real estate, but currently she is working hard being a great Mom. She loves animals.

A and Jace live in Orange County, California.


My brother Jace is an amazing person! He is a triathlete (swim, bike, run) and backpacker among other great outdoor adventure hobbies. He is rarely serious so if he says something that sounds a little fishy, most likely he is making it up. He and Adrienne have been married for three years.

Currently, he is starting Turner Security OC with Christian. They are both great salesman, so they are going to change the face of Turner Security and expand it!


Jimmy is graduating from BYU-Idaho in December in Art with a Bachelor of Science with an emphasis in Graphic Design. We hope to move to either Seattle, Flagstaff or Henderson. All of which are not even close to each other. We just know we would like to stay somewhere near the West Coast.

Jimmy is really nerdy and likes Star Wars, He-Man and many other super heroes.


Jimmy and I got married on May 12, 2007 in the Redlands, California Temple. I am graduatiing from BYU-Idaho in December with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication and an emphasis in Public Relations.

We are going to have our first baby! The baby is due January 20 and we are not going to find out what the gender is.


Emily is so cool. She wants to go Victor Valley College to be a nurse. She went to BYU-Idaho and then left for another adventure. She lived in Russia for a year teaching English. Now, she is turning in her mission papers and who knows where she will be for a year and half!

As twins, we have an unrecorded language. Seriously, other people cannot understand us sometimes because we don't need to finish sentences or thoughts around each other.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Christian is amazing. He loves to travel, like his recent trip to Japan. He likes reading, whether it's deep and motivating or whether it's just a good sit-down enjoyable read. He is willing to learn from everywhere.

He is very adventurous and sometimes a little crazy. He likes to snowboard, wake board, backpack, white water kayak and much more.

He recently went to Africa on a service trip. Obviously, he is a really compassionate guy. No matter who you are, he will be friendly to you.


Audrey Olivia Marie Turner. The newest member of the family! Born November 18 at 9:22 p.m. She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces!

Her beautiful spirit has already blessed our family and we are so excited to have her around.


My sister is a great person and is going to be an even better Mom. She is a great cook and makes cheesecake that is to die for. She loves my nerdy brother with all of her heart. She has a great sense of humor.

She and Joseph have been married for over two and a half years! They were married in the Redlands, California Temple.


My oldest brother has a crazy, outgoing personality. He is a great person to talk to when you wantt to be cheered up. He is kind of nerdy (in a good way) and will talk to you about HTML, design, the Wii or anything else that he thinks is the greatest.

He served his mission in Costa Rica and was a great leader there. He is a great person and is a new Dad!

He goes to BYU-Idaho and is majoring in Art-Graphic Design. Currently, he lives in Boise, Idaho. He wants to end up living somewhere in Colorado.

Angela Turner aka Mama

My Mom is a fun, spunky lady who always cracks me up! We have a great time together-probably because we are so alike. We both are home-bodies and are content with hanging out with family. My Mom loves chocolate and hates any type of melon.

She loves reading, whether it is about the stock market, a good Dean Koontz book, or the good old Harry Potter books.

She graduated from CSUSB in 2000 and was a substitute teacher and a full-time teacher. She is now trying her hand in being a Financial Adviser.

Brian Turner aka Papa

So I know a few of you thought it was hilarious that I left the life lessons from my Dad blank. This was unintentional! I really have learned a lot from my Dad! Here are just a few of those things.

Life Lessons from my Dad:
1. Never assume anything-you know what they say about assuming.
2. You've never watched too many South Park episodes.
3. Load as many rocks as you can before the cops come.
4. Turner's should never be allowed to dance publicly.
5. I always have a walking Thomas Guide for directions-I can call from anywhere and he will let me know how to get to my destination.
6. Emily and I will always be his princesses-so we can get away with anything.
7. Traveling is a great way to get to know your family. Most of my great family memories come from places we've gone together.
8. I'm exactly like him. Good way-I love to talk. Bad way-I love to talk.
9. Family is the most important thing in the world!

My Dad is a great person who, as stated above, loves to talk, loves to give and loves to learn. He is a strong man, physically and mentally, but really he is a softy at heart.